“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault when the two of you are alone. If he listens to you, you have regained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others with you, so that at the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. If he refuses to listen to the church, treat him like a Gentile or a tax collector” 

Matthew 18:15-17 (KJV).

God’s method of resolving conflict serves both as a model for your behavior and as a reminder of your dependence on God as the source of all good things. If an offense cannot be overlooked, go privately to the individual and express your concerns for an amicable resolution. Private confrontation and personal reconciliation is a preferable first step, speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). But if you are unable to resolve the issue or mutually forgive each other after sincere good-faith efforts to work things out, , then seek out the assistance of a few “witnesses” not to accuse the parties but to act as supportive advisers to both sides and help restore peace. This can be done informally with a respected relative, friend or other adviser trusted by both parties or more formally with a pastor, church-appointed committee, or a trained conciliator. If someone will not listen to you and the witnesses, then,tell it to the leadership of the Church and allow the Church leadership to decide the matter for the parties. 

Wherever humans interact, there is potential for a difference in opinion or purpose. Jesus specifically urged peacemaking among Christians as a personal heart attitude, a lifestyle choice that brings blessings (Matthew 5:9). Forgiveness, open communication, and cooperative negotiation clears away the hardness of hearts left by conflict and makes possible reconciliation and genuine personal peace. Examine your part in the conflict first: your actions, attitudes, motives, acts, and omissions. Leave vengeance to God, cast your cares on God, and forgive, even as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you. PRAYER

Dear Father, I take the grace required to practice the truth in love in the name of the Lord Jesus.


“whoever rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house” Proverbs 17:13 (NKJV)

“Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you”.  2 Thessalonians 1:6 (KJV)

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