Your Heavenly Identity 

Identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual or group. Many people ask questions like: “Who am I? Where do I come from? Which family do I belong to? Why do I behave like this? What is my purpose? Where am I going?” Understanding your identity helps your confidence and avoid condemning yourself or comparing yourself to others. Identity is knowing your worth, where you come from, your beliefs, values, and why you do things a certain way; it is very helpful in building a life of success and creates a sense of dignity and honor that is very important as a family, community, society and a nation. Your life is programmed in the Word of God, and that is how God sees you. You display your heavenly identity by living the life of Christ. The Bible says, ….as he is, so are we in this world.” 1 John 4:17b (KJV). You must consciously align yourself with the way God sees you through the ministry of the Word and by the Holy Spirit. This book will help you to be cultured by the word of God according to the patterns of the kingdom of heaven and to continuously reflect the character and nature of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Heavenly Identity Workbook

identity is knowing your worth, where you come from, your beliefs, and values, and why you do things a certain way. Identity is important in building a life of success and creates a sense of dignity and honor that is very important to a family, community, society, and nation. Child of God, your heavenly identity is programmed in the Word of God. Your role is to align with God’s description and perception of you in His Word. Whatever name God has called you in His Word is your heavenly identity. For example, God says you are holy, righteous, prosperous, victorious, and more than a conqueror accept your new identity in Christ and walk in the consciousness of it.

This workbook is written in a question-and-answer format according to the chapters in “Your Heavenly Identity” book to help you gain a deeper understanding of your heavenly identity for your prosperous life.

Your Heavenly Identity Workbook

For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set] so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]” Ephesians 2:10 (AMP). Our lives are programmed in the Word of God. Coming to the full knowledge of the Word of God causes you to live God’s dream for your life and enjoy life purposefully. Every manufacturer has a purpose for manufacturing the product and provides an instruction manual on how to use the product effectively. Some have branded their product making it stand out among others.

The believer (new creation) is branded by God “for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]”. All we are expected to do is to live out the Word as God has prearranged it. Your life is to be built on the Word of God: With this masterpiece, God will unveil His master plan (His purpose) and the path He has set for you to follow through His Word. You will also discover how God speaks and guides us daily through the Word according to His perfect will for our life.

Wisdom is the Principal Thing

Wisdom along with an inheritance is good. And an [excellent] advantage for those who see the sun. For wisdom is a protection even as money is a protection, But the [excellent] advantage of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the lives of its possessors” Ecclesiastes7:11-12(AMP). Divine Wisdom is capital for life transactions. It is the number one thing that everyone should long for and walk in. Wisdom comes with Riches and honor including long life. If you have Wisdom, you have everything. King Solomon admonishes us by saying; Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). He continues to explain, how is it better to get Wisdom more than gold and understanding rather than silver (Proverbs 16:16).

TrueFor it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” Philippians 2:13 (KJV). Because God is at work in you, divine insight is granted to you to walk in His perfect will for your life. God’s plan and direction for your life; are already programmed inside you, and because He programmed you by His Word. It will take your knowledge of the Word of God to activate and walk in His plan and purpose for your life. You are responsible for discovering God’s plan for your life and enjoying the abundant life. As God reveals His secrets to you: you will begin to experience victory in every area of your life: health, finances, business, education, family, and ministry.
In this Masterpiece, you will learn who Wisdom is, How to activate the wisdom in you, for a purposeful life.

 The Principle of First Fruit

Fist Fruit “A more Excellent Sacrifice”. The Bible teaches that “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he was testified to be righteous, God bearing witness to his gifts; and through it, having died, he still speaks” (Hebrews 11:4 KJV). Proverbs 25:2 says “It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them” (NLT). The born-again believer has been made rich in Christ Jesus, by the reason of the new birth. To experience the practical reality of the blessed life, there are principles God has put in place. As you act out these principles, God is obligated to make manifest His blessing in your life for all to see. God intended man to live a life of true fruitfulness, multiplication, and being in charge of His creation. However, His divine desire depends on our promptness and consistency in following His instructions, one of which is the first fruit sacrifice. The first fruit is hallowed, set apart from ordinary purposes, and consecrated to the Lord for His work; you may not keep it for yourself. God specifically lays claim on it.

The Principle of Tithing 

Seed is a wealth-producing power. The Word of God is the seed of God, and Jesus is the Word of God. Now the secret to abundant life is doing whatever He (Jesus, the Word) tells us to do. Tithing is a divine obligation, and we honor God this way. The kingdom of God operates with principles; if we lack understanding or are ignorant of how to live out the principles, we will not see the full manifestation of the blessed life but instead live a life of defeat. God has already blessed us, and we cannot exhaust His blessing. He said, “All things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21), but God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge of His Word concerning how to actualize our inheritance. A tithe is the tenth part or ten percent of our income, increase, profit, and anything the Lord has blessed us with; this is holy and set apart for God’s use in His house. Tithing demonstrates our reverence to God, honoring him for empowering us to make wealth, and He releases His provision and protection over us.

The ten percent connecting to the anointing, sanctifies the remaining ninety percent, allowing God to help us manage our money and resources wisely for His glory, as good stewards. We do not tithe to get blessed, we are the blessed, tithing out of God’s blessing to enable us to walk continuously and consistently in His abundance. It is proof of our trust, honoring Him, knowing that He is the source of our blessing, giving us divine ideas to create wealth. Remember, you are the Rich, discover your wealth. Journey with me with this Holy Spirit-inspired masterpiece and you will discover how tithing is your heavenly insurance against the attacks of the devil and the channel for the manifestation of your prosperity.

El Principio Del Diezmo Libro De Trabajo

El propósito de este libro de trabajo es para reforzar los principios enseñados en el libro, “El Principio Del Diezmo”. Este libro de trabajo fue diseñado para ayudarnos a que nos profundicemos en conocimiento de un principio que producirá un cambio de vida. Dr. Doreen Nelson comparte con nosotros esta experiencia única. Diezmar es un principio espiritual con resultados garantizados. Este principio de diezmo no producirá resultados por si mismo. Tiene que ser actuado para poder producir resultados. El Principio tiene que ver cosas devotadas o consagradas puestas aparte y separadas por Dios y para Dios. En el jardín de nuestra prosperidad, Dios ha separado y apartado el decimo de nuestro ingreso, entradas, recursos y regalos, para Si mismo como cosa consagrada o devotada. Nosotros no podemos comer de ello sino conectarlo con la unción que El ha puesto sobre sus siervos (Ministros, Pastores) para tu prosperidad. Este libro de trabaja te guiara y asistirá a renovar tu mente con esta ley espiritual bíblico aprobado. Poniendo tu vida en camino para alcanzar las metas que Dios le dio en su vida. Gloria a Dios.

The Principle of Tithing Workbook

The purpose of this workbook is to reinforce the principles taught in the book, “The Principle of Tithing”. This workbook was designed to help you get an in-depth understanding of the life-changing principle shared by Dr. Doreen Nelson. Tithing is a spiritual principle with a guaranteed result. This principle of tithing cannot produce results by itself; it must be acted upon to produce results. The principle here has to do with devoted or consecrated things, set apart by God to Himself. In the garden of our prosperity, God has set apart ten percent out of our income, profits, resources, and gifts to Himself as a consecrated or devoted thing, we are not to eat of it but connect it to the anointing He has placed on His servants (His ministers in your local church) for our prosperity.

This work book will guide and assist you to renew your mind through the Bible-based and proven spiritual law of tithing; putting you over in your life of success. Glory to God

The Principle of the Freewill Offering

“The silver and the gold are a freewill offering to The LORD God of your fathers” Ezra 8:28b. God rested from all His work which He had created since Genesis chapter two. But God did something spectacular, He set in place spiritual laws and principles to produce consistent and lasting results, which will for anyone who by revelation engages them. One of which is the principle is seed time and harvest. Your freewill offerings are precious seeds, which have life in them and are meant to multiply and produce a harvest after its kind. You do not know the worth of a seed until it is planted. Because your harvest is hidden in your seed [money, time, talent, gifting, and resources], your seed: must precede your harvest. God gives you a seed, which you are to surrender willingly to His work, so He can empower it for a multiplied harvest back to you.

The Bible says, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest shall not cease” Genesis 8:22. Sowing seed is kingdom investment and the altar is our place of spiritual transactions. It is imperative that you purposefully, sow by giving your seed an assignment for your desired harvest: This is the missing link. According to Luke 6:38; you determine what flows back to you, by the measure or capacity in which you give. Because God sees the heart, the Motive of your Heart in your giving is very critical. This book will guide you in cultivating the lifestyle of giving by revelation from a thankful, cheerful, and willing heart, in faith out of love for God. It will also show you how to receive, giving others the opportunity to give unto your bosom. And God is committed to manifesting His blessings to you generously, for His Glory.

Believe In God’s Prophet And You Shall Prosper: “TSALACH” 

Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper” 2 Chronicles 20:20(b) (NIV). God by His principles will not do anything of importance concerning His children without informing His servants, the prophets. Prophesies speak to people for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). Prophesy reveals God’s opinion about you, your family, education, ministry, career, business, city, and nation, and exposes the diabolical plans of the devil. When God wants to do something, He sends His prophets. Prophets are under the unction to communicate the mind of God to His people. They are divine interpreters of the will and purpose of God. Your prosperity comes by believing in and acting on the prophetic words from God through the prophets God sent to you for your specific situation. In this book, you will learn how to believe in God’s prophet for your prosperity.